Designer | Strategist | Storyteller
level presentation.png

Level - Service Innovation

Level - Motel Service Rebranding

LEVEL is based off intensive research of motel service sector results in a rethinking of the whole motel business. The traditional motel has become a filthy, cheap and last-choice option for the majority of people nowadays, and it has lost most of its used-to-be customers. 

With this rethinking and reviving project, we redefined the demographic of users, stakeholders and extended this analysis to the whole industry to re-brand this falling business. 

For the 7-week research before we finally reached the innovative idea, a lot of service design tools, diagrams and research methods were used for information gathering, ideation and data-affinitizing.

Check out the following prequel to grasp a better understanding of the background and complete story of this 10-week long project.  

Team project. With Virginia Honig, Tuti Pojanaporn and Nathan Sundberg

Team project. With Virginia Honig, Tuti Pojanaporn and Nathan Sundberg

This video recorded mid-fidelity prototype testing and demonstrated a flow of the service.

Video credit: Nathan Sundberg.

| Storyboard and Service overview


| Personas


| Opportunities and Brand voice


| The Creative Approach


| Complete User Flow with all touch points